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AEW Dynamite Results for October 16, 2021


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was held live from the James L. Knight Center in Miami, FL!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means!

Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone, and Excalibur were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

CM Punk was a special guest commentator tonight!

Our opener: Dante Martin (with Lio Rush) vs. Malakai Black!

“Malakai Black is a special talent,” said CM Punk.

“He’s undefeated since his arrival in AEW,” added Excalibur.

They began with a beautiful chain wrestling sequence. Dante launched off the bottom rope with a shotgun dropkick to Black. Malakai connected with a stiff back elbow to Dante.

Dante attempted a springboard but Malakai Black countered with a powerbomb! Black applied a single leg crab but Dante managed to crawl to the bottom rope to force the ref break. Dante went for a pump kick but Black countered with a heel trip. Black locked on a knee bar but Dante fought out with a few kicks to Black’s face.

Dante surprised Black with a reverse hurracanrana.

“That’s an equalizer,” noted CM Punk.

Dante tried a double jump moonsault but Black moved out of the way, and Dante landed on his feet. Dante rocked Black with a kick to the back of Black’s head. Malakai Black fired back with a meteora, a high roundhouse kick, and then a German Suplex for a near fall on Dante Martin.

“This is awesome!” chanted the fans.

Malakai Black pulled Dante up on the turnbuckles, perhaps looking for a superplex, but Dante countered with a super hurracanrana off the top rope! Dante tweaked his knee on the landing. Dante jumped off the top rope but he paid the price, as Malakai Black connected with the back heel kick! It was more than enough for Black to pin Dante.

“Great effort by Martin, great results by Malakai Black,” said Jim Ross.

After the match, as Malakai Black was walking to the back, he turned his head and nodded at Dante Martin.

Backstage, Tony Schiavone interviewed Jurassic Express! The Young Bucks, AEW World Champion Kenny Omega, and Adam Cole—The SuperElite, ambushed Jurassic Express with a super beatdown!

After last night’s assault at the hands of American Top Team, the Inner Circle reunited and regrouped in the ring! “Demo God” Chris Jericho, TNT Champion “Spanish God” Sammy Guevara, Jake Hager, Santana & Ortiz were back!

Santana began to speak on the microphone when Dan Lambert, The Men Of The Year, and American Top Team interrupted!

Jericho asked if Paige VanZant was obsessed with him and if she was going to try to slide into his DM’s. “All the jokes are done, though, you see before you the reunited Inner Circle here in Miami tonight. We are ready, five on five, we want Inner Circle against American Top Team and The Men Of The Year,” said Jericho.

“We have bigger plans. The Men Of The Year have their eyes on gold. Will Sammy step up and agree to our terms? I’ll tell you our terms next week,” said Dan Lambert.

“Chris Jericho, your brain may be a little foggy after another knee from Jorge Masvidal last night, but don’t forget, I’ve pinned the GOAT not once, but twice,” said Scorpio Sky.

“I’m the TNT Champion. I’m the ‘Spanish God’. I’m gonna kick all of your asses next week,” said Sammy Guevara.

AAA Tag Team Title Match!

AAA & AEW World Tag Team Champions The Lucha Bros—Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. Andrade El Idolo’s Masked Team—Las Super Ranas!

“I’ve never seen these guys compete in Mexico,” said Excalibur of Las Super Ranas.

“That’s clearly FTR. This is ridiculous,” said CM Punk.

Super Rana #1 tried to take off the mask of Rey Fenix, but Fenix rolled him up. The Lucha Bros tried to remove the masks off Las Super Ranas.

The masks came off and Las Super Ranas were revealed to be Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler—FTR!

Rey Fenix jumped off his brothers shoulders with a dropkick to both members of FTR! Penta El Cero Miedo rocketed off the top rope and crashed down onto FTR! A tope con hiro and a huge plancha from the Lucha Bros took out FTR on the outside of the ring!

“The Lucha Brothers just dismantling FTR,” said Excalibur.

Rey Fenix blasted Dax the Ax with a kick to the face! Tully Blanchard ran out and distracted ref Aubrey Edwards! It was enough time for FTR to use one of the AAA Tag Team Championship belts against Rey Fenix, and then FTR pinned Fenix and became new AAA Tag Team Champions!

Backstage, Tony Schiavone interviewed Dante Martin and Lio Rush. Lio said that Dante needed to start listening to his advice, and from this point forward, Dante Martin would have a new tag team partner—himself, Lio Rush!

Jon Moxley vs. Wheeler Yuta (with “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy)!

Moxley wasted no time, nailing Yuta with a vicious lariat. Moxley was laying in the right hands! Moxley went right for the Paradigm Shift and then pinned Wheeler Yuta!

Orange Cassidy entered the ring and looked on with concern at Wheeler Yuta, who was seeing stars after that Paradigm Shift.

Serena Deeb was backstage with Tony Schiavone, where Tony asked Deeb about her recent attitude change.

“It was only a matter of time before I had to drag this division to my level,” said Deeb.

Hikaru Shida jumped onto Deeb and they began brawling!

Trios Match!

Dark Order—Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds, & John Silver vs. SuperKliq—Adam Cole #BayBay, and The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson (with Brandon Cutler and Don Callis)!

The SuperKliq hit Dark Order from behind before the bell rang!

They isolated John Silver on the ramp. They were looking for the assisted powerbomb but Silver reversed it with a rana! Back in the ring, Dark Order used their combination offense on the SuperKliq!

“It’s almost like they got a boost of confidence when Adam Page returned to AEW,” said CM Punk.

John Silver caught Nick Jackson with an uppercut beneath the chin. John Silver jumped off the apron with a cannonball to Adam Cole! Alex Reynolds tried for a tope suicida but Cole superkicked him!

“The SuperKliq in the driver’s seat of this trios match,” said Excalibur.

The Young Bucks worked over John Silver, sending him into the waiting boot of Adam Cole. Cole isolated John Silver and dropped him with a neck breaker.

After Nick Jackson’s sneaker was yanked off, Evil Uno pulled out a sock and used the mandible claw on Nick Jackson! The Dark Order followed up with an amazing offensive sequence on Adam Cole!

Reynolds and Cole exchanged pump kicks in the ring! Reynolds popped Cole with an elevated knee strike but then the Bucks hit the superkicks on Reynolds. Cole followed up with the Panama City Sunrise. The SuperKliq waffled Reynolds with a triple BTE Trigger! Cole finished off Reynolds after a running knee strike and then pinned Reynolds!

Jungle Boy ran out to the ring and the SuperKliq retreated! Jungle Boy hit a homerun on Brandon Cutler with a steel chair! The SuperKliq left Cutler in the ring.

Footage was shown of Arn Anderson dropping off Cody Rhodes to the Rhodes Wrestling Academy. Lee Johnson, Brock Anderson and others tried to knock Cody back to harsh reality and put his focus back on the ring.

“Malakai Black has it coming,” Arn said to Cody.

MJF came out to the ring!

MJF said he was here for his match against Darby Allin!

“You know how I know there’s not a match? Because Wardlow’s not with him,” said CM Punk.

“You no-showed like a gutless coward. I guess I did break you mentally, Darby,” said MJF.

MJF pretended to be shocked that Darby Allin was attacked in the parking lot last week. MJF called for Wardlow, and Wardlow brought ref Bryce Remsburg to the ring. MJF told the ref to count to 10, and if Darby isn’t out to the ring by the 10-count, MJF should be declared the winner.

The lights in the arena went out, and it began to snow in Miami! Sting came to the ring! MJF shoved Wardlow into Sting and Sting cracked Wardlow in the ring with his baseball bat! MJF ran out of the ring!

“MJF is too much of a coward,” said Excalibur.

Tony Schiavone was backstage with Anna Jay. Dr. Britt Baker interrupted the interview. Baker called the Dark Order losers. Anna Jay heard enough and slugged the AEW Women’s World Champion Dr. Britt Baker!

Kiera Hogan vs. “The SuperBad Girl” Penelope Ford (with The Bunny)!

Penelope Ford used an arm drag on Kiera Hogan. Ford missed a boot to Hogan in the corner. Penelope used a running bulldog on Kiera into the turnbuckles!

“That was innovative,” said CM Punk.

Kiera Hogan propped Penelope onto the top turnbuckle. Hogan superplexed Penelope to the mat! Ford and Hogan began chopping one another with Hogan getting the upper hand! She pushed back Penelope with a shotgun dropkick and then a sliding dropkick for a near fall on Penelope!

Ford used a cutter off the ropes onto Hogan. Ford wrenched back with the Muta Lock and made Hogan tap out!

Ruby Soho sprinted down to the ring for some retribution on Penelope Ford for last night! Ruby hurled Ford onto the ramp! The Bunny came out to help Penelope off the ground. Ruby challenged both of them to get into the ring!

Tony Schiavone interviewed “Hangman” Adam Page in the ring!

“On November 13th, it’s your chance to become the AEW World Champion at FULL GEAR against Kenny Omega,” said Schiavone.

“When my friends and I left Ring of Honor and New Japan, I believed we could change the world. But I think it changed us. I told you guys I’d be the first AEW World Champion and I lost to Jericho. I lost to PAC. And then it started to feel like I lost a lot more. I lost my confidence. I lost my friends. And truthfully, it felt like I lost myself.

“The one thing I didn’t lose was these people who chanted ‘Cowboy Shit’ each week. That was very real to me. ‘Cowboy Shit’ was about me making new friends and putting my neck on the line for those friends.

“When you fall off, you get back on and keep riding. To me that is ‘Cowboy Shit’. I’m not a fortune teller. I’m not going to predict how FULL GEAR will end for me. I think you all believe in me and for the first time in my life I do too.

“At FULL GEAR, I will give you my heart, my soul, my blood, my sweat, and I’m 100% sure at FULL GEAR I will give you ‘Cowboy Shit!’” said “Hangman” Adam Page!

Main Event Time!

“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. “The Infamous” Bobby Fish!

Fish began an assault on Danielson with kicks and forearms—Muay Tai strikes. Danielson rallied back and stomped on the back of Fish’s legs. Fish got to his feet and used his educated feet on “American Dragon”!

Back in the ring, Fish worked over Danielson’s leg and knee. Bobby Fish nearly decapitated Danielson with a sliding lariat! Fish locked in a half crab submission! Bryan Danielson countered with a great ankle lock and then a release German Suplex!

Danielson wrenched Fish’s leg with two dragon screws!

“He’s destroying Fish’s vertical base,” said Jim Ross.

“Fish started hot but it’s a hard pace to maintain,” replied CM Punk.

Fish captured a kick from Danielson and transitioned with a back driver! Fish hoisted Danielson onto the top turnbuckle. Fish nailed Danielson with an avalanche Falcon Arrow and then transitioned into a knee bar! Danielson grabbed a knee bar of his own and then began to hammer down on the face of Fish with his heel! Danielson locked the heel hook and Fish tapped!

Danielson hit back with a tope suicida on Fish! Danielson tried to bring Fish back into the ring but Fish used a downward strike on Danielson. “American Dragon” was taken off his feet the hard way—as Fish swept Danielson’s leg off the ring apron!

Be sure to tune in to a special night next week for AEW DYNAMITE live on TNT—Saturday, October 23rd, live from the Addition Financial Arena in Orlando, FL!

Don’t miss AEW RAMPAGE this Friday at 10/9c on TNT!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


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